Good Ancestors >
May we know them.
May we be them.
May we nurture them.
Welcome to PULL TOGETHER NOW (PTN), a global family who accepts our sacred responsibility to care for peace, children, family, community, and Mother Earth before all else. We hold the long-view and strive to be the “Good Ancestors” our sacred children and future generations of Life need us to be. PTN honors and connects Good Ancestors > individuals, organizations, and businesses pulling together, face-to-face and place-to-place for the world we know is possible and The Future deserves to receive from us. We create opportunities to gather and share what holds us together ─ ancient and new stories, songs, ceremonies, living knowledge, the arts, and real food from the land we belong to, protect, and love. People are returning to their ancestral roots ─ re-membering, renewing, and protecting our sacred connection and relationship with one another and our Mother, Earth ─ our only home. Good Ancestors are kind and leave no one, no place, out or behind.
The Path We Walk begins inside each of us as we answer this fundamental question:
Is where we are headed and what we are doing serving peace and the perpetual well-being of our children and their children’s children, families, communities, sacred Water, Land, Air, and generations of other living beings?
Good Ancestors do not look away.
Though we have witnessed and experienced atrocities and remember and tell it like it was, and is, we’re also relaying the beauty and good that’s rippling out to help us all. We’re pulling together with humility, humor, dignity, courage, imagination, and love > transcending imaginary boundaries in ways that seed and grow trust and Life-affirming action for our collective social, economic, political, and ecological well-being. We are ignoring the propaganda of division, difference, and doom to collaborate for the common good across the watersheds we share, locally and globally!
PTN invites Good Ancestors to connect and collaborate through an ancient tradition with no end:
The Ancestors’ Relay >
Getting back to caring for peace, children, family, community,
and Mother Earth before all else!
We are carrying our Ancestors’ Message Sticks across homelands and oceans relaying and defending what really matters:
> each other, our children, and all the communities of Life we belong to. Nurturing children with love to be strong spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Preserving and exchanging ancestral traditions, wisdom, living knowledge and seeds, skills, and the imagination required to be resilient and thrive together with enough, in harmony with the rest of Nature. Honoring and protecting Elders and Knowledge-holders with the relationship to sacred Water, Land, and Community to care for all people.
> our relationship with The Web of Life: pure sacred Water, healthy Air, Land, Fire, Seeds, Food and Medicine from Mother Earth, and all forms of Life.
> transcending imaginary barriers to free the world from systems of domination and greed driving perpetual war, genocide, ecocide, and artificial intelligence; predators vying for power over everyone and every place, intent on commodifying every expression of Life by any means.
The Ancestors’ Message Stick carries stories, information of critical importance to all people, seeds, gifts, and… It represents humankind’s living memory with wisdom, experience, keen observation, and spiritual insights gained over long periods of time. The color purple reflects the blending of beauty and goodness in and around us that serves the well-being of all people and Mother Earth. We are filled with the power of survivors, ancestors who made our lives possible and whose love, sacrifice, creativity, and dreams we carry. Good Ancestors look back and forward across generations for Life-affirming guidance, inclusive of all Peoples without preference for any cultures, nationalities, spiritual traditions, status, age groups, or place on Earth. We honor the protocols of reciprocal relationship rooted in Natural Law, not the hierarchical law of man that perpetuates domination and destruction of Life.
Some Values and Protocols from Good Ancestors>
Wherever you go, go with heart.
Remember who you are, that you were born complete.
Freely share your unique gifts for the benefit of all Creation.
Live with Love ─ Respect ─ Honesty ─ Courage ─ Humility ─ Wisdom ─ Truth.
Express gratitude. Give more than you take from each other and Mother Earth.
Slow down. Listen with your heart. Lead a life that helps.
Hold the long-view. Be the change you wish to see in this world. Enjoy Life.
Never take hope away from people.
Good Ancestors are kind and leave no one, no place, out or behind!
The people, they are coming. Are we ready?
They are asking, “Are you being Good Ancestors?”
Are we? What’s your story?
The Ancestors’ Relay> starts > here! Come join us!

PULL TOGETHER NOW is a Multi-Region Cooperation Circle within URI, the world’s largest interfaith network, an interconnected community of Good Ancestors:
“Dene Ch’anie, which translates as The Path We Walk, a circular mode. Embedded within Dene Ch’anie is a Code of Conduct, according to Natural Laws. When we act outside of these Natural Laws, we upset the balance between body, spirit, heart and mind, leading to negative consequences. We need to reconnect with Mother Earth to rediscover the Natural Laws, as individuals, families and communities.”
Elder Francois Paulette, Smith’s Landing Dene First Nation